Some Lynx
For fun:
- A very popular site! with a quizz and loads of pics, links and infos:
The Cat Basket
- The
Cat Olympics : the De-Cat-Thlon (including Madly-Running-Through-The-House-For-No-Apparent-Reason
Dash), the Gymnastic Events, the Team Sports (like I Want In/I Want Out
Relay) and Individual Events.
- "Internet
for Cats: A Guide to How You and Your Cat Can Prowl the Information Highway
Together": includes Bubbles' Cats From Outer Space FAQ, Bubbles'
Internet Human Codes, Is Windows 95 for Your Cat?, Cat Net Surfer Tips,
and links
- Want to learn what an Halloween cat is, or a basket case, or the monster-under-the-blanket?: check in the CatDictionary
- Want to understand your cat? Here is another dictionary.
- Want to send a cat Felix-email-card
or check the cat calendar? (unavailable at the moment)
- Why Cats
are Superior to Space Aliens
- The Virtual Cathouse
with "Welcome to the Zoo", cartoons with cats
- The Cat page
with the Feline-L Kitty Carousels
- David Stevenson's
cat page (articles, the catcodes, pictures...)
Various pets'
For information:
back to Nikita
Last checked July 21th, 1998