Well, if you are reading this then you must have come into contact with me at some point. For many of you the contact will have been recent. Some of you may have known me for a year or two. A tiny few of you may even know me from even longer back. By the way, the poem on this page is called 'Whispers of Immortality' and it's by T.S. Elliot; a favourite of mine. |
Who am I? Well, me name is Alexander Smith and I'm a 21 year old male from London. My birthday is on the 10th April 1976; if you want to buy me presents. I consider myself to be a Gothic Industrial Metalhead; this term applying to my lifestyle, not just the music I listen to. If you want to know what I look like, well I'm about 6ft tall, 'overweight' and, if such things interest you, pictures of me can be found here. |
What am I like? Well, some may say perky, bouncy, happy, fun to be around. Some may say perky, bouncy, happy and downright irritating. Certainly I am a lively person; the influence of alcohol can greatly enhance or decrease my livliness and often does. Happy? Happy sometimes, more not than often. Clowns usually tend to be sad on the inside, even when looking happy on the outside. Fun to be around or downright irritating? Well, it just depends who you are really. |
And so onto you; just who are you? You obviously know how to use a computer which probably makes you a net person. You may be sombody I know from college, sombody I know from work, sombody I know from a music scene, sombody I know from elsewhere, talkers or irc maybe. Maybe even sombody I don't know at all, at least you know a bit about me now. Feel free to write something down in my guestbook. |