Me with a Goatie Beard

For a short while (New Year - April Whitby '97) I sported a rather fetching goatie (so i'm told). This came about because over the new year i had Chicken Pox, which meant i could not shave. Afterwards i recalled a female friend of mine saying she thought my face shape would suit a goatie, i tried it and liked it. Also it looked really good when i was wearing a suit and i was looking for a job at the time. Saved me 10 mins time in a morning too =;-)

[Me talking...Now theres a shock !]
[Ok....Who nicked me pint...]
[Pose....I can pose with the best of them.]

Three shots of me during the days at April Whitby '97. It got shaved off on the saturday night, because i hawked the hair and reconed it looked better without the beard.

[Me and Incy] [Obviously the girls arn't talking girly talk....otherwise I'd have been interested]

A couple of pictures taken on a Net.Goth outing to Yohan Plaza, Collingdale.

Lee Edward Armstrong