Describe Yourself to the Netscrape
The UPG 2001 Edition

The Physical:

Your name: Nick Turner

Your online/nickname: Nick/Yaruar

Web page url:

Age: Just the younger side of 1/4 of a century.

Birthday: 3rd April/

Gender: is a social construct... Sex=Male

Location: Laahnden

Height/weight: 6 foot 1 about 12/13 stones (is the govenrment going to sue me too?)

Current hair colour/style: Blond, fluffy, short.

Natural hair colour: red/black/blond/inbetween all.

Eye colour: Green/Brown, different intensities of each depending on mood.

Religion: 13th day turnerist.

Siblings: My brother, who is scarily dodgier than me.

Children: shudder I'm planning to adopt someone just out of a accontancy degree though

Relationship status: Complicated ;-)

Occupation: Network Analyst.

Pets: Couple of stray PII's

Computer you're on: WOrk based PIII 600 with a scavenged voodoo2 for fun things.


Books: Pretty much all. Social science and politics geeking a lot!

Movies: Tenue du Soire, Spooky Encounters, Mr Vampire, Repo man, Walker, many many more.

Poems: Tony Harrison 'V', straight translations of Beowulf (mush check out heaney's) Kubla Kahn

Television shows: Anything! Buffy mainly!!!!!

Songs: Changes, currently Penuthead - sensor, anything by Ani DiFranco.

Bands/musicians: Ani DiFranco, Joan Coffey, Jonny Dowd (borderline 8th Feb, not to be missed!!!!!!!) NMA, Tribe, Sensor, Senseless Things, Doughboys (with ex MC4 no less)Doo the Moog, Nephs, Wob, Astralasia, Transglobal Underground... More, pretty much all music.

Club: Used to be Club V till it closed. Still searching.

Board games: Big monopoly fan!

Computer games: COunterstrike, Hidden and Dangerous, Civ2, Network Boggle!!!!!

Other games: Office Politics.

Magazines: Only read stuff online now......

Places to visit: Ancient Forests. Places with friends. Whitters.

Food: Anything with Chilli and no cheese.

Colours: Purple.

Drinks: Ale, decent Guiness, coffee, red bull.

Miscellaneous Questions:

What other newsgroups do you read: A.G, U.P.Bodyart, A.G.F sometimes

To which mailing lists are you subscribed: Cutting down. Refugees and a couple of more personal ones. Ex slut.

How long have you been reading upg: wibble longer than I oughta!

What has been your favourite thread on upg: The monthly 'what is goff' thread ;-)

What are some of your hobbies: Photography, trying to get into collecting art by up and coming artists.

What's the motto you adhere to: Suck it and see ;-)

What is your personal stupid human trick: Allowing the human race to survive.....

What do you want to be doing 10 years from now: Hopefully travelling or setting up a gallery.

What is the one thing/skill that you do not have now that you wished you possessed: A comfortable home and garden with an Andy Goldsworthy cairn in the back garden.

What do you think is your best asset: My tireless sarcasm.

What do you think is the worst thing about you: Inability to trust people.

What do you value most in a friend: Honesty.

How do you picture upg: A palce that would scare even Lovecraft.

Do you have another question: