Your name: Stevy Haworth
Your online/nickname: Little Black Riding Hood
Web page url:
Age: 28
Birthday: 21 April
Gender: Girl-type. I don't mind at all if people say 'gender' instead of 'sex'. Language changes, or else we'd all still be cracking up with laughter whenever anyone said 'yerde'. Besides, I'd get bored very easily reading umpteen netscrapes all saying 'Sex: Yes please'.
Location: Bristol
Height/weight: 5'6", unskinny
Current hair colour/style: Black and nearly bum-length, but usually dressed up with some kind of fake hair or other. I love my candycane red/pink/black/white fake dreadlocks best at present but this is subject to change without notice.
Natural hair colour: dark brown
Eye colour: Green tending to brown and occasionally to yellow
Religion: Technopagan going on Dianic. I have about as much tolerance for woolly new-aginess as I do for fundamentalism of any description.
Siblings: Two brothers and one evil twin.
Children: These genes stop here.
Relationship status: Happily married to unicycling barefoot Perl nerd
Occupation: unemployed would-be writer
Pets: One small cat.
Computer you're on: old Celeron
Books: Emma, A Distant Mirror
Movies: Gone With The Wind
Poems: Cold in the earth, and fifteen wild Decembers...
Television shows: Frasier, Buffy, I Love The 80s
Songs: Depeche Mode, No Good: The Bolshoi, Books On The Bonfire: Shriekback, Cradle Song
Bands/musicians: Depeche Mode. Dire Straits. Inky Sukks. VNV Nation. Blondie.
Club: Exile
Board games: Scrabble
Computer games: Final Fantasy VIII
Other games: uh, does LARP count?
Magazines: Marie Claire, because it has pretty fashion. SFX. Fortean Times.
Places to visit: My living room
Food: Garlic bread
Colours: Black. Purple. Red. Pink.
Drinks: Coffee, more coffee, alcopops, Devious Bastard
What other newsgroups do you read: agf,, alt.conspiracy.coventry.morph
To which mailing lists are you subscribed: Heretics, SWG
How long have you been reading upg: this is the third Netscrape I've done
What has been your favourite thread on upg: Anything not involving Sushidog
What are some of your hobbies: Reading, roleplaying, playing with my hair.
What's the motto you adhere to: 'This too shall pass away'
What is your personal stupid human trick: I can sneeze at will
What do you want to be doing 10 years from now: Playing with my cat
What is the one thing/skill that you do not have now that you wished you possessed: The ability to make peoples' heads explode at will.
What do you think is your best asset: Confidence. Also I have great cleavage.
What do you think is the worst thing about you: Bitchiness, intellectual superiority, and holding grudges for years
What do you value most in a friend: Finishing my sentences for me & vice versa
How do you picture upg: People chatting round a table, occasionally interrupted by waves of noisy drunks.