Describe Yourself to the Netscrape
The UPG 2001 Edition

The Physical:

Your name: Steve Thurgood

Your online/nickname: Nothing, cause it was all I could think of...

Age: 20

Birthday: born on the 4th of july.

Gender: male

Location: london, newcross.

Height/weight: ~5'4, between 8-10 stone..

Current hair colour/style: gingerish, bleached-to-hell-straw-like, long

Natural hair colour: gingerish.

Eye colour: sortof greeny, greyey, thingy..

Religion: nihilist (only because I bought the domain name ;))

Siblings: sister..

Children: none..

Relationship status: single.

Occupation: programmer (VB hockspit) / compsci student..

Pets: 4 cats sortof. At my parents, 'bout 500 miles away..

Computer you're on: some steam powered thing at home, dunno what the work one is but it has a nice large hard disk (mmm..mp3s )


Books: pratchett, scifi, horror (lovecraft sorta thing) geeky books (anything o'reilly)

Movies: sci-fi, eyecandy, anything tim-burton..

Poems: ts elliot. probably.

Television shows: don't have aTV, but iirc the young ones was good.

Songs: couldn't say...

Bands/musicians: dire straits..

Club: slimelight, gossips, ziggys.. (one of these is false)

Board games: scrabble, chess, monopoly..

Computer games: anything lucasartsy and adventurerery.

Other games: 

Places to visit: pass..

Food: steak (medium rare) n' chips.

Colours: green, black, purple, white..

Drinks: anything w/ caffeine or alcohol. Coffee, real ale, whisky, tequila, gin...

Miscellaneous Questions:

What other newsgroups do you read:, rmindustrial, a.g, a.cyberpunk. upb.. some others I forget.

To which mailing lists are you subscribed: sluts, slugs, ylug

How long have you been reading upg: on/off lurker since 96-ish, started full time a few months back when I realised my job sucked.

What has been your favourite thread on upg: slimes-in-the-times, for calm-collected, rational debate..

What are some of your hobbies: cooking, geeking, drinking...

What's the motto you adhere to: pass..

What is your personal stupid human trick: umm..I can get drunk and wake up with bite marks I don't remeber getting..

What do you want to be doing 10 years from now: writing free software and somehow having enough money to live on..

What is the one thing/skill that you do not have now that you wished you possessed: a half decent guitar.

What do you think is your best asset: my long flowing locks..

What do you think is the worst thing about you: I can be a tosser when drunk. or sober.

What do you value most in a friend: honesty.

How do you picture upg: like the white lodge from twin peaks. Or the black one, I'm not sure yet..