Describe Yourself to the Netscrape
The UPG Edition

The physical

Your name: Pete Scathe

Your online/nickname: Pete Scathe

Web page URL:

Age: <ahem>

Birthday: 8th October

Gender: Boy Pixie

Location: Portsmouth

Height/weight: 5'4", under 8 stone

Current haircolor/style: Long, black. A list of previous hair disasters
 can be seen on my website...

Natural hair color: Er... it's been a while, OK?

Eye color: Siamese

Religion: is generally a very bad idea

Siblings: I've been sibbled twice, and very painful it was too.

Children: None that I know of...

Occupation: DJ

Computer you're on: PII/333


Books: Too many to list, really... lots of history stuff. I used to really like Voltaire, Balzac, Dostoevsky, Turgenev etc but I haven't read anything by them for ages. Best modern fiction I've read of late has been "Morality Play" by Barry Unsworth, "Making History" by Stephen Fry, and a couple of bits by Ian Banks.

Movies: I know they exist. I just don't see them.

Poems: various Medieval and 18th/19th C ones

Television shows: I don't watch TV. But I used to like Blue Peter if that's any help.

Songs: Anything by Joy Division/Puressence/Chameleons

Bands/musicians: Joy Division, Puressence, Chameleons, 1919, Play Dead, Marion, Lorries, Strangelove, Radiohead, Birthday Party, etc etc

Board games: What's that one where you had to stuff a ball bearing down a chimney? That was always fun.

Computer games: I live in a house with three very sad computer games addicts, which is a good reason for not playing them...

Other games: What's that game where you have to stack up loads of bits of wood until they fall on you? I do the same, only with CDs.

Magazines: NME, but only because I have to.

Food: Veggie stuff, especially pasta & rice dishes. And chocolate.

Colors: My wardrobe is insisting that it's black, but it isn't.

Drinks: Anything with a low alcohol content, to avoid those embarrassing "pissed pixie" incidents.

Miscellaneous questions

What other newsgroups do you read: I usually download then completely ignore alt.gothic,,,, alt.southampton.goth.commandoes and various others...

How long have you been reading UPG: Erm, years.

What has been your favorite thread on UPG: The covert invasion about 3 years ago

What are some of your hobbies: Filling in response sheets, filing records and balancing CD piles.

What's the motto you adhere to: Anything written by Sod.

What do you want to be doing 10 years from now: Earning vast profits from DJing one night a week.

What is the one thing/skill that you do not have now that you wished you possessed: The ability to translate the songs in my head into decent music.

What do you think is your best asset: An unfeasibly large record collection.

What do you think is the worst thing about you: My inability to store it.

What do you value most in a friend: Not minding CDs falling on their heads.

How do you picture UPG: Kinda like goth spaghetti, only louder.

Do you have another question: Yes. Why is it that when people come up to you at the end of your club night and say "Great night!", you usually never see them again?