Describe Yourself to the Netscrape
The UPG 2004 Edition

The Physical:

Your name: Nik

Your nickname/online name: Lovewookie (sometimes)

Age: 29

Birthday: 27 Aug 1974

Gender: Male

Location: Glasgow

Height/weight: 6'2/ 12 st

Current hair colour/style: growing out black cause I can't be bothered to re-dye it.

Natural hair colour: dark brown

Eye colour: Blue

Body mods:

Religion: not really, just a faith.

Siblings: 3 older sisters

Children: no chance

Relationship status: with woman

Occupation: kinda finishing off my PhD

Pets: nope


Books: not a big reader which I think would go down well here!

Movies: bill and teds

Poems: hmm, no not really

Television shows: bit of a sci fi freak

Songs: currently one the most listened to is VNV Nation - Solitude

Bands/musicians: fave at the mo is Howie Day

Club: Bedlam

Dj (n.b. you can't name yourself): no faves

Board games: er, no

Computer games: worms

Other games: kerplunk

Magazines: Singletrack, Meltdown

Places to visit: My home town of Malvern, Worcs

Food: Swordfish

Colours: there are colours?

Drinks: Newky brown, most ales or red.


Computer you're on now: home one

Web page url: no

Reading upg since: on and off for 3 years

Favourite thread on upg: erm.........

How you picture upg: ?

Other newsgroups read: alt.mountain-bike

Electronic mailing lists: nah

Irc channels: no no no

Miscellaneous Questions:

What are some of your hobbies: mountain biking, well, that's about it.

What's the motto you adhere to: don't be too scared to just fall over.

What is your personal stupid human trick: last week I was santa, does that count?

What do you want to be doing 10 years from now: in a job I don't mind, still clubbing, but a bit more stable....ooh that was a bit serious

What is the one thing/skill that you do not have now that you wished you possessed: a job

What do you think is your best asset: my eyes

What do you think is the worst thing about you: morally challenged

What do you value most in a friend: comfort and truth

Do you have another question: I filled this in why?