Describe Yourself to the Netscrape
The UPG 2001 Edition

The Physical:

Your name: Captain M

Your online/nickname: Captain Mostthingsthatbeginwiththelettermdependingonwhatmoodiamin.

Web page url: http:

Age: "I am a Timelord and I walk in eternity"

Birthday: "April 10 2017. How long do I live?"

Gender: vegetable

Location: The Captain M continuum

Height/weight: 5'10",approx. 10 stone

Current hair colour/style: Long, blue-black

Natural hair colour: brown (I think)

Eye colour: blue

Religion: Church of the Sacred Banana

Siblings: brother

Children: none ­ which is probably just as well: as someone said to me the other day, people like me should not be allowed to pollute the gene pool.

Relationship status: I'm currently being pursued

Occupation: Freelance proofreader/copy editor/writer/literary guerrilla/ social dissident

Pets: an earthworm called William

Computer you're on: PowerMac G4


Books: Too many to list concisely, but predominantly non-fiction at the moment: science, history, environmentalism etc. Fiction reading includes Sci-fi (e.g. Asimov, Michael Moorcock, Ben Bova, Steven Baxter, Gregory Benford, Peter E. Hamilton) Historical fiction (e.g. Bernard Cornwell, Peter Acroyd)

Movies: Apocalypse Now, Blade Runner, The Blues Brothers, 2001, Forbidden Planet, The Bounty (1984 version), Ed Wood, Casablanca, Elvira Mistress of the Dark, The Alien Thing from the Compost Heap (1953)

Poems: World War I

Television shows: Babylon 5, Dr Who, Time Team, Red Dwarf, Postman Pat,

Songs: Birdsong

Bands/musicians: Too many to list, but here are some examples (not in any particular order) Faith & the Muse, NMA, Hawkwind, Gong, The Shroud, Fading Colours, This Burning Effigy, Emma Conquest, The Artists Formerly Known As All Living Fear, Die Laughing, Breath of Life, Killing Miranda, John Shuttleworth, The Grumbleweeds, The old bloke who used to play a two-stringed guitar outside WH Smiths in Bournemouth.

Club: Club X (Bournemouth), East Dorset Compost Circle

Board games: None.

Computer games: None.

Other games: tiddlywinks, ringing on doorbells and running away and hiding before the person comes to the door

Magazines: Astronomy Now, New Scientist, History Today, BBC History, Practical Compost Management

Places to visit: Midway Island (in the Pacific) Pitcairn Island (also in the Pacific) Easter Island (again in the Pacific) In fact, anywhere as remote as possible from the rat race.

Food: Anything healthy

Colours: Fading

Drinks: Baileys, vodka, rum, H2O

Miscellaneous Questions:

What other newsgroups do you read: uk.sci.astro., comp.syst.mac, alt.rec.compostheaps.

To which mailing lists are you subscribed: Wessex Goth, UK Compost Heaps

How long have you been reading upg: since Time Immemorial

What has been your favourite thread on upg: The more hilarious flamewars

What are some of your hobbies: Astronomy, history, archaeology, nature, walking, compost heaps, squeezing sponges over policemen's heads.

What's the motto you adhere to: War or Utopia

What is your personal stupid human trick: Tricking stupid humans

What do you want to be doing 10 years from now: Either still being a free-thinking eccentric or dead (I'd rather die than conform)

What is the one thing/skill that you do not have now that you wished you possessed: Better management of my compost heap

What do you think is your best asset: My finest compost (@ £2.50 a bag)

What do you think is the worst thing about you: I smell of compost heaps

What do you value most in a friend: The ability to appreciate good potting compost

How do you picture upg: A compost heap

Do you have another question: Is anybody else here into compost heaps?