Your name: Sionell Guimaraens-Robinson
Your online/nickname: GothMuppet
Web page url: I don't have time for that kind of thing...
Age: As old as my bones and older than my teeth
Birthday: 7th March
Gender: Muppet
Location: Wolverhampton
Height/weight: 5'8"...weight - more than it should probably be, and less than it was
Current hair colour/style: short but in need of cutting
Natural hair colour: brown with very fetching grey streaks
Eye colour: Blue
Religion: member of the Seventh Church of the Apocalyptic Lemming
Siblings: A brother
Children: No thanks, I've just eaten
Relationship status: blissfully co-habiting
Occupation: Temp. Currently based at Brum Uni in the Med School
Pets: a wuvverly fwuffy cat called Orlando
Computer you're on: the one my b/f rebuilt for me a couple of months ago after I managed to blow it up completely
Books: classics, historical stuff, obscure stuff, pretty much anything in paperback I can get my grubby mitts on
Movies: comedies, old b/w films, some scary stuff but not much 'cos I'm a confirmed coward
Poems: T S Eliot, war poets, Ted Hughes, medieval stuff and the Romantics
Television shows: Having only just moved into a house with a telly, I haven't got into the habit of looking for stuff to watch apart from Eastenders on a Sunday...
Songs: I listen to them....
Bands/musicians: Front 242, Funker Vogt, Mesh, lots of other stuff that I can't actually bring to mind right now, and plenty of classical stuff.
Club: Can I start one?
Board games: None.
Computer games: None.
Other games: None.
Magazines: Classic FM, Vegetarian Society mag
Places to visit: The pub!
Food: anything veggie, especially chilli
Colours: I like black, goes with everything...
Drinks: Twinings Lemon & Ginger herbal infusion
What other newsgroups do you read:, uk.misc, and a few others that I just watch rather than take much notice of.
To which mailing lists are you subscribed: None, currently. Still wondering which one is best for the area I've just moved to.
How long have you been reading upg: not that long really, I don't always have time to read it as closely as I think I ought
What has been your favourite thread on upg: too many to mention
What are some of your hobbies: watching my cat do stupid things, getting my car fixed at ludicrously expensive garages (have had to spend over £400 on it since xmas)
What's the motto you adhere to: It was necessary...
What is your personal stupid human trick: turning up to work every day
What do you want to be doing 10 years from now: a real job that won't change every few weeks
What is the one thing/skill that you do not have now that you wished you possessed: some of that organisation stuff
What do you think is your best asset: I'm cute, silly but cute
What do you think is the worst thing about you: I'm too easily stressed and then I get grumpy
What do you value most in a friend: reliability
How do you picture upg: a dark room with lots of big sofas
Do you have another question: where are the biscuits?