Describe Yourself to the Netscrape
The UPG Edition

The physical

Your name: Ekaterinei-Sophia,yup,one name.Keti suffices though.

Your online/nickname: Obje[]t or Eyething.

Web page URL : would help if I bothered to remember the URL's though :)

Age: 17

Birthday: 20.1.

Gender: female,yup yup.

Location: Er...tricky.Cyprus,London and Moscow,globe-trotter that I am. ;p

Height/weight: A well-rounded 5'5" *grin*

Current haircolour/style: Raspberry red, wavy and to mid-back.

Natural hair colour: dark brown with reddish streaks.

Eye colour: Greenish blue in the left,greenish grey in the right.

Religion: None as such.

Siblings: 1 of each type.

Children: none

Relationship status: Very,very long distance :(

Occupation: A'levels...*ominous*

Pets: Dog : Fudge, horse : Trigger Happy(variation on an old theme).

Computer you're on: pc PIII 450Mhz, 128MB RAM, 18gig HD, and bobs.


Books: The Bell Jar:Sylvia Plath,Imaginings of Sand:Andre Brink.

Movies: Jude,Anna Karenina,Lorenzo's Oil and such.I'm not a manic movie-goer.

Poems: Fever 103,Death & Co.,Is it Dual-Natured?,The Way Towards Each Other.

Television shows: Tv?Was is das? SONGS:Depends on my mood?

Bands/musicians: Anything from baroque to fractional contemporary,darkwave,ambient,neo-classical,some industrial,doom and death-metal.Lots n lots of bands.

Board games: Go For Broke.I always win. :)

Computer games: Aliens vs Predators,Lemmings.

Other games:

Magazines: Focus.

Places to visit: The Netherlands.

Food: cheese,and watermellon.

Colours: Blues,purples and blacks.

Drinks: Ho hum...Guinness,Ambelida and Ribena.

Miscellaneous questions

What other newsgroups do you read: alt.gothic,

To which mailing lists are you susbscribed : Mdb,#doom-metal,both of which are soon to go.

How long have you been reading UPG: Not very long at all.

What has been your favorite thread on UPG: Er..

What are some of your hobbies: Anything vaguely to do with electronics and nuclear physics,dressage,poetry,reading,archery.

What's the motto you adhere to: Personal.

What's is your personal stupid human trick: Opening my mouth and insertng my foot.But it isn't exactly personal,it's global.

What do you want to be doing 10 years from now: I have no clue whatsoever.

What is the one thing/skill that you do not have now that you wished you possessed:

What do you think is your best asset: A long fuse.

What do you think is the worst thing about you: Incredibly violent temper when it does decide to surface.

What do you value most in a friend: Honesty...

How do you picture UPG: I'd rather not go into that ;p

Do you have another question: Nope.