Describe Yourself to the Netscrape
The UPG Edition

The physical

Your name: Tom

Your online/nickname: Tom

Web page URL:

Age: 20

Birthday: 17/10

Gender: male

Location: Oxford / Coventry. Depending.

Height/weight: Too short, and too fat.

Current haircolour/style: Mousey brown. Longish.

Natural hair colour: Mousey Brown

Eye colour: Blue

Religion: none

Siblings: 1 ickle brother

Children: none

Relationship status: attached to a cat

Occupation: Office dogsbody or student layabout. Depending.

Pets: Not enouogh.

Computer you're on: P133 Win95 thing.


Books: Illuminatus, PZ Brite, <Currently reading Stranger in a Strange land>

Movies: Delicatessen, the City of the Lost Children, many by Peter Greenaway, La haine, Gilliam films, Withnail, too many to go further...


Television shows: News, satire.


Bands/musicians: Orff, Delibes, Pink Floyd, Portishead, KLF, Orb, Lab4, and the usual host of goth stuff.

Board games: Nuclear War, Carom, Jenga, Mah Jong

Computer games: Nuclear War, Action Quake, GTA

Other games: Real Tennis

Magazines: Private Eye

Places to visit: Anywhere I've not been yet.

Food: I will eat nearly anything

Colours: black, pink, white, puce.

Drinks: coffee, tea, wine, beer, gin, brandy, pernod, gin.

Miscellaneous questions

What other newsgroups do you read:, uwarwick.misc, uwarwick.societies.rock

To which mailing lists are you susbscribed: OxGoths, Contaminatii, KLF

How long have you been reading UPG: 2-3 years.

What has been your favorite thread on UPG:

What are some of your hobbies: Cooking, eating, drinking, breathing

What's the motto you adhere to: You're only as big as the things that make you angry.

What's is your personal stupid human trick: Eating/breathing fire.

What do you want to be doing 10 years from now: Nothing - I'd like to be retired.

What is the one thing/skill that you do not have now that you wished you possessed: The means to retire early. Oh - and a degree would be nice.

What do you think is your best asset: The ability to bullshit liberally.

What do you think is the worst thing about you: See above.

What do you value most in a friend: Not phoning me up at 4am to demand chilli sauce.

How do you picture UPG: As a bunch of geeks in black shouting at each other.

Do you have another question: Why are university administrators so dim?