Your name: Simon
Your online/nickname: None that are any good.
Web page URL: Can't remember it.
Age: 26
Birthday: Feb
Gender: male
Location: Walthamstow
Height/weight: 6'3"/Not enough.
Current haircolour/style: Long black, brown roots
Natural hair colour: see above
Eye colour: brown
Religion: Committed atheist
Siblings: yes
Children: none
Relationship status: attached
Occupation: Genetic Research scientist
Pets: fish
Computer you're on: PII233, 128Mb, Voodoo2 SLI 17", etc..
Books: Steven Donaldson, Pratchett, Gibson
Movies: Star Wars, Aliens, The Matrix
Poems: Henry Normal, Attila the Stockbroker
Television shows: Too many. Comedy.
Songs: Adrenaline, Ava Dementia, Wish,
Bands/musicians: Whatever the latest one I bought was.
Board games: Scrabble
Computer games: Freecell, Unreal
Other games: Snooker.
Magazines: Digital Photo FX
Places to visit: Amsterdam
Food: Vegetarian
Colours: black, purple, blue, red, orange. Maybe yellow as well.
Drinks: Cider, Tequila, Vodka, Red wine
What other newsgroups do you read: None
To which mailing lists are you susbscribed: 6 Degrees Goth Brittania (there were 4 of us last week!)
How long have you been reading UPG: 3 years
What are some of your hobbies: Freecell.
What's the motto you adhere to: Be nice.
What do you want to be doing 10 years from now: Shagging
What is the one thing/skill that you do not have now that you wished you possessed: Excessive amounts of money.
What do you think is your best asset: My eyelashes
What do you think is the worst thing about you: My feet
What do you value most in a friend: Patience.
How do you picture UPG: On a monitor. Crap question.
Do you have another question: Do I win a prize for getting all the answers right?