Whitby, Whitby. Here I am again

Had the bestest one for ages this year. This years pics come by way of a 'what I did on my holidays' type thing,
crossed with a picture diary. Erm...enjoy.

On arriving at out B&B..Ant makes use of his dubious camera skills!


Ready to go then folks?


First some Whitby Abbey pics for you. Mark, Vampy and I

Tragic goth poses are the order of the day

Cute pic of the lovely old Abbey

Mark 'posing'?

Bex (me), Mark and Vampy

Me and some strange man I picked up in the ruins ;oP

Mum!! It's too bloody windy up here!

Wichard 'I am not a mopey goth'


Ant and I ready to go out....not drunk

Well Maybe Ant is a little bit? But I'm not



It's so good being the sober one!

No really I always pose like this....

No? Ok..... I admit I may have had a _couple_5 tops...

Kieron and I in the Spa being drunkards

Mark with a pint of the black stuff

Squiddy who posed voluntarily for this shot!


So off we pop to the Spa and the Leisure Centre to do a spot of shopping

Not that I bought much this year...I was good.


And then to the beach! "What fine sands they have here" remarks Ant...


Who *is* that rude boi?!

How goths can even make walking on the beach look solemn


Fear me for I am dayglo and weilding a house brick!


Obligatory really isn't it ;o)


Me so tired and hunover!


A pregnant Vampy!


He's *still* swearing!!! (Richard/Murkygoth)

Paddling...the reason you wear platfoms to the beach!

We look suspiciously like we're doing the gothic 2 step...but we're not.

Ant previously known as Necro(boi) ...I will so get told off for that


We decided that the best way to cure a hangover is to go sailing on a knackered old lifeboat...
I'm not sure I look convinced!


Ant doesn't look too convinced either...but it works actually.


Cool pic facing the sun


Up there somewhere are the rest of them who obviously don't have sea legs..
.or who havemore sense



Wicked big hair of dooooooooom!


Ant...man of action...in this case toiletery *hehehe*


Vampy, Spud and Ant


There were lots of pics of my huge hair


No I had not been drinking again ;oP


I look like a fraggle! After a hugfe amount of faffing and tantrums
due to struggling with hair ...I finally managed to leave the B&B...just as Vampy was going to bed


Kieron and I


The lovely Mr X


Crowd shots


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