Once upon a time there was a swamp called North Yorkshire...

Well Whitby this November started off rather damp. On the whole a bit of an adventure, especially the Thursday night when there was a large flood on the road where the travel lodge was and we had to paddle in scary water to get to bed! Still it seems that every Whitby is a good Whitby, the rain held off until the Monday we went home. Vampy didn't die of fright driving on the twisty roads of the Yorkshire moors either! Anyway, here is the photographic evidence (bribes starting at £10 ;P) Not sure why people are looking so worried though!?

Go away, I'm trying to eat!

Vampy scoffing lunch

what the bloody hell is that!?

Abbie and Jimbob at the Spa


Murky and Vampy and a sheep

Ed and Penny

Ed and Penny

Stand still while I snap you dammit!

Paul Garside, Marc Elston and Alexander

Who stole my nose?


red halo?

Eddy the drunkard

Eddypoos and Zestypoos

Eddy and Zesty having a lil chat

Take two bottles into the shower...?

Take two bottles into the shower, not him...

she looks scared, am I that bad

Moonchild, looking scared, am I that bad?!

James and the nice Australian lady

James and a girlie dancing

No, really I'm not scary I tell you!


Eww, stop it

Nigel with his new tongue piercing

Nigel and Ryzard

Nigel, some man and Ryzard


Odie Idol ;P

Nige and Kate

Nigel and Kate

Yay! Bunkbeds

This is what happens to rooms when Bex arrives

Bonking Crabs

Sunday at the arcade and Eddy is treating his crabs

More Bonking Crabs

Never thought I'd name an image 'Fuzzy Crabs'!

Eddy and Fuzzy racing

Eddy and Fuzzy racing on bikes

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