Now I know I haven't got very many pics but I was rather drunk for most of the weekend
(as Becki will vouch for)....

I went to Whitby with Vampyra and we both had a wonderful time (marred only by the mammoth hangover I had on Saturday morning which made trotting past the fish market bit rather unbearable!).

Please excuse that reasonably crap quality of some of the pics below but I scanned them myself and as I have all the technical expertise of a brain dead walrus they do tend to come out somewhat....fuzzy :)


Me off for a day out that consisted
of much drinking, laughing and many stairs



Vampy dressed for the Spa


Beck 'n' Necro

Vampy and Necro Boi at the Spa
(not sure if they were drunk or bored at this point)



A none to flattering picci of
Alexander... and the lovely Vampy


Oh I do like to be beside the seaside....

Black and White Pics of Whitby



Vampy on her way up to the Abbey



Darksun, Necro and Vampy
(the poses got better as we went on)


more of us

Well most did but I'm not sure about
your scary death metal pose Necro...


and more posing

Black and white photos don't scan well all right!


and more

Us trying to look serious at the request of Necro
(didn't quite work though)



Don't lean back lads!


bend and stretch and.....

I really have no idea , so please don't ask...




(I think that look means 'stop taking my
picture or you're going down that well!')



Leaving the Abbey


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