So here are the people that would probably claim to know me should you ask them. I've split people up into categories to make things easier, but some people fall into more than one category.
Real Life People

Essentially 90% of the people I know come under either 'goth' or 'spod' or both but these are the ones that I see on a semi-regular basis as well as the 10% that are not spods or goths.

Andy - Scotsman that lives in the room above me aka "Liviy". 5 words: "Turn that fucking bass down".
Dev - One of my partners in crime from Beckenham aka "Speechless".
Mark - The other partner in crime from Beckenham aka "Orth".
Martin - The Badguy himself.
Sarah and Dean - My metal gig partners in crime

Gothic People

The people I know from the Goth scene. Usually met at Slimelight, Whitby or such.

Aleph - aka "Kev" but I don't wish to die.
Chris - Fluffy? Hairspray has never been used to greater effect!
Laurence - The wooly one himself.
Lee - Very Tall. Even taller with his 'hawk up.
Owen - The self proclaimed 'Miserable Git'. Just looks dead to me.
Pete and Becky - The Dynamic Duo from Guildford.
Tasha - The Floucy Babylonian Goddess, or summat like that.
Melissa - Cute, cute, cute.

Sad Internet Freaks ;P

The ones that I know from the Internet; mainly talkers, some of which I've even met.

Astra - Short and cute and fluffy and cute and short. Blob - She bounces. Ask Ybanrab about the rest.
Dawnfire - One of those nasty American things
Deejay - God of cheese and lemons.
Hue - The tall cute one. Doesn't like to be called cute. Oops!
James - Used to be a robot called Slaine, but got his hands on some lipstick.
Lurker - He came, he lurked, he buggered off to Kent and then he came back again.
Metatron - Runs various talkers, and gets to live with Shark.
Nairn - Not to be confused with Naan, which is an Indian bread.
Nefilim - Tickle-me-Neffy; see him laugh, see him smile. Not. ;)
Piglet - Runs the talker known as Tombstone. Oinq!
Rabies - Fluffy and erm... scary and with Astra.
Shark - Mark da Shark, do not buy anything from this man, do not try and outdrink him.
Sparkster - Runs Jyhad aka Dark Shadows II. Lives in a tree as well.
Valkyrie - Ummm, errrr, going out with Nefilim :)
Ybanrab - The tall guy with the varying hairstyle.

If you wish to be a known associate of mine, then send me an email with a relevent URL if possible, and I'll fit you in somewhere.